miércoles, 23 de enero de 2013

Personal Info


Hi! I`m Cecilia. My last name is Santana. My phone is 2117865. My e-mail addres is cecy0530@hotmail.com. My favorite tv`show is documentaries. I really like skating. I live in Palos  Verdes. I don`t like soccer. I`m morried. I like playing. My favorite word is trap.


Her name is lorena. her lastname is chanci. she is from Medellín. she live in Envigado. she is twenty four years old. her telephone number is 3312345. she is single. her favorite sport is swimming. in her free time she really likes reading. her favorite t.v shows is the documentaries. the fravorite documentarie is tabú. she is beautifull.

His name is jefferson. he is twenty two years old. his lastname is Restrepo. he is from medellin. he is live in San Pablo. his fravorite t.v shows is the simpsons. he is single. in his your free time he really play poker. his favorite sport is the football. your telephone number is 6785432.


His firtname is Luis. his middlename is Taquito. His lastname is Arango. he is chemists. he is 28 years old. his natinality is American. he is live in New York. his gender is male. he is single. your telephone number is 1234567. his favorite sport is soccer. your e-mail address is luigisoad1@hotmail.com. he is nice, friendly, gossip.     


My house is small and nice


It is a comfortable place. In shared with friends and family. Listen to music. 


Prepare food. We share recipes. Wash dishes.


Here is sleeping. Here we see tv. It is clean and comfortable.

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